I have worked with many companies over the years that have given me great products to review. Some of these show up every year in my gift guides. A number of years ago, when I was searching for rolling coolers, I ran across this interesting company called Yeti. Right from the start, I went down a rabbit hole checking out the site and various different products they have. The Yeti outdoor gear that was available is mindblowing.
Yeti Outdoor Gear Was Perfect
My family and I are fairly active during the summer months with family travel. We often hike in the woods on various trails around the east coast of Canada. We are always needing water for hydration and over the years, I have come out of these walks often wet. Either the water bottles leaked into the backpack or the condensation built up and soaked the backpack. So imagine seeing these water bottles that could keep water cold all day, and not leak, or produce condensation. How about backpacks that not only could act as a cooler if you put icepacks in them but also were lined so that they didn’t get soaked? The Yeti website was full of neat toys that suited our travel lifestyle and it became a plan to actually get a selection of the products.
Fast forward a couple of years and I was given the opportunity to work with Yeti. They provided me with a huge cooler bag, a backpack, coffee cups, mugs, water bottles of all sizes etc. I have to say, they did not disappoint.
For the coffee cups, we were provided with magslider lids which I preferred over the deep mouth lids. They do not keep the coffee hot as long but are much better for drinking. We have used them exclusively for our hot drinks since they arrived. Our daughters have taken the small mugs and used them at camp. They take a hot chocolate out to the campfire while they are toasting marshmallows.
We were provided with 3 different-sized water bottles and I found them to be great. The smaller ones are great for standard drinking, the mid-sized ones great for hikes and the large ones for longer hikes or for using to refill the smaller bottles.
Now We All Need Our Own Colours
We only used Yeti outdoor gear for a few months before we knew how much we loved it. The only thing we really need to do is make sure that we get everyone in our family to have a full collection of their own coloured products because we truly love it. To give an idea of how great the water jugs are, with the larger jugs if we put a couple of scoops of ice in each jug before we go, the ice is still there when we get up the next day. Maybe not as much but enough that the water is still icy and refreshing.
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