We are a family of five based in New Brunswick, Canada.
Our son is a non verbal, autistic with some behavioural difficulties.
Our youngest daughter was diagnosed with ODD and through ABA therapies learned from dealing with autism we have managed to control her ODD to a point where she is close to typical behaviour for her age
This blog was originally started to give parents of autistic children an idea of what they are facing, it has since morphed into an attempt to try to bring a greater understanding of autism and special needs to people who really have no understanding of what it means to be autistic and the difficulties that it creates not only for the child but for the family of the child as well.
The purpose of this blog has become to help identify areas where the public and governments need to change the way we approach issues relating to autism, to help create an opportunity for high functioning autistics to achieve their maximum potential and to help protect those who are not as high functioning not only from themselves but from a system that at this point does not understand them and their needs.
With this goal in mind it is my intention to attempt to work with Governments, Police forces, Education institutions and even CPS agencies worldwide to help create a better understanding of autism, help identify it, and help those involved in the care of autistics understand how to identify the best possible approach to dealing with each autistic individual by understanding autism and it’s various forms far better.
I can be contacted at carl.bainbridge@aparentsperspective.ca